Johnson County Mental Health: provides resources and treatment options for those seeking assistance with substance misuse and counseling. 24/7 Crisis Hotline is 913-268-0156
Tri-County Mental Health Services: gives mental health and substance misuse resources and treatment options for those in Clay, Platte, and Ray County.
First Call: First Call provides help for individuals and families impacted by addiction and alcohol abuse. 24/7 Crisis Hotline 816-361-5900 to search for general drug treatment facilities in your area. On this site, you can find facilities that offer various payment options (including free and no-cost care), youth treatment facilities, special programs for Veterans, plus more.
Otherwise, enter your zip code below to find substance abuse treatment facilities in your area.
Prevention Resources
One Pill Can Kill: DEA-led campaign that provides awareness of the increasing fentanyl related overdose deaths we are seeing nationwide. Fentanyl and opioids are affecting local youth. One Pill Can Kill website can provide facts for families wanting to learn more about the dangers of counterfeit pills and fentanyl.
DCCCA: Developing Caring Communities Committed to Action (DCCCA) provides social and community services that improve the safety, health, and well-being of those we serve. Through Behavioral Health, Prevention, Traffic Safety, Family Preservation, Foster Care, Quality Improvement, and other programs, DCCCA continues to honor its commitment to the community by providing valuable human services that help enrich and improve the quality of life for both adults and children.
Parent UP KC: Parent UP KC is local resource that gives parents information about drugs use among youth. It has great tools for parents and talking points for when you are ready to talk to kids about drugs.
Get Smart About Drugs: This is a resource for parents, educators and caregivers. This website also provides a range of DEA publications, available in both English and Spanish.
SAMHSA: “Talk. They Hear You.” is a free mobile app that helps you prepare for one of the most important conversations you may ever have with your children about underage drinking and drug use. The app provides parents and caregivers of children and teens ages 9 to 15 with the tools and information they need to start talking with their children early about the dangers of alcohol and drugs.
For more info:
Hidden in Plain Sight: Can you see the signs of drug use? This mock teenage bedroom will display some everyday items that can actually be indicators of drug use or risky behavior.
Addiction is Real: View a parent toolkit to learn how to start a conversation about substance use with your children.
Dead on Arrival: Counterfeit pills with fentanyl are deadly. This film by VOID (Victims of Illicit Drugs) is an eye-opening story from the families who have lost a loved one. There versions in both English and Spanish.
Operation Prevention: The DEA and Discovery Education have created Operation Prevention to provide communities with proactive digital tools to raise awareness about the dangers of substance misuse. This resource is free and is available in English and Spanish for students in grades 3-12, plus additional resources designed for educators, families, and professionals.
Campus Drug Prevention: The DEA provides institutions of higher education and their communities with this resource to prevent drug misuse among college students.
Cooper Davis Memorial Foundation: ("Keepin' Clean for Coop): Keepin’ Clean For Coop shares the story of one teen from Shawnee, Kansas who took half of a fake pill laced with fentanyl and didn’t make it. The website also shares fentanyl related resources and updates on events occurring in the Kanas City Metro region.
Just Think Twice: Looking for prevention resources specifically for young people? Go to the teen-focused site Just Think Twice. Here, youth will be able to get facts about drug use and learn ways to live a drug-free life.
NIDA for Teens: This website provides helpful drug facts as well as games and activities teens can do to learn more about the dangers of drugs.
Opioid Basics: Center for Disease Control offers more information about opioids and the different types there are out there that can cause harm and addiction.
Date: Oct. 29, 2023
Time: 8:00am (5k Run/Walk), 9:00am (Kids Fun Run)
Where: Cleveland Lake Regional Park, 502 S Cleveland Ave, Belton, MO 64012

Join Operation Engage Kansas City in a 5k run or walk to support Belton CARES, a local organization that works to reduce fentanyl and other substance abuse. Register by scanning the QR code in the flyer above or visiting Sponsor a table or the route by contacting Jen Houser at