Halloween Drug Laced Candy Alert

The Drug Enforcement Administration, St. Louis Division advises law enforcement, first responders and parents to be aware of Marijuana-laced and Methamphetamine-laced candy this Halloween. These treats can look like traditional candies, but can have harmful effects if consumed by a child. The DEA and law enforcement agencies throughout the country have seen an increase of seizures of drug-laced edibles, including but not limited to chocolates, suckers and gummies.
The DEA St. Louis Division has not identified any specific threats but issues this as an advisory.
What are they
Marijuana has a distinct and pungent odor. When the active ingredient (THC) is cooked into food, those noticeable characteristics are gone. However, the effects caused by those ingredients are now in the food. Examples of such foods include candy bars, brownies, and gummies.
Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. It takes the form of a white, odorless, bitter tasting crystalline powder. Examples of such foods include gummies and hard candy.
What they look like
Such items are often professionally packaged and can easily be mistaken for regular candy or baked goods. Last year the DEA noted that marijuana-laced candies sold in packages labeled; Munchy Way, 3 Rastateers, Twixed, Keef Kat and Rasta Reese’s; had been collected during Halloween.
Signs of marijuana-laced and methamphetamine-laced candy
Unusual wrapping, appearance, unusual colors, odd smell, misspelled candy labels, candy or food that is unwrapped or unmarked.
What to do if you suspect drug-laced candy
The St. Louis Division asks local law enforcement agencies to document any information regarding drug-laced candy and preserve evidence for DEA Laboratory testing. Parents and caregivers should seek immediate medical attention if a child ingests drug-laced candy and then contact local police. The Midwest has seen various types of marijuana-laced candies commercially produced and illegally distributed over the past few years.