Before You Request contains a wealth of information related to the agency’s mission activities to include drug investigations; intelligence, forensic, and diversion programs; drug prevention and demand reduction programs; and more. Before making a FOIA request, please browse to see if the information you are seeking is publicly available. You may also visit the FOIA Library for access to frequently requested agency records and information.
What Can You Request
A FOIA request can be made for any agency record. You can also specify the format in which you wish to receive the records. Please be advised, the FOIA does not require agencies to do research for requesters, analyze data, answer written questions, or create records in response to a request.
We have streamlined DEA’s FOIA/PA request process to better serve our requester community. The DEA has transitioned to the FOIA Public Access Link (PAL) to increase efficiency for those seeking records from DEA and the FOIA staff assigned to process requests. To submit a FOIA request for access to agency records, please visit the Public Access Link (PAL). You must register to create an online profile or log into your existing profile to submit a request.
Please note, sending your request via PAL will ensure your request reaches our office immediately. If you prefer not to submit your request via the PAL, DEA will accept your request via e-mail or United States Postal Service (USPS); however, use of e-mail or USPS will result in slower receipt and processing time.
E-mail requests may be sent to Hard copy requests may be mailed to:
Drug Enforcement Administration
Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Unit
Attn: Intake Sub-Unit
8701 Morrissette Drive
Springfield, Virginia 22152
Requesting information about organizations, businesses, investigations, historical events, incidents, or groups
- Please describe the records you seek in enough detail to enable DEA personnel to conduct a records search.
- Provide any identifying data that will help us locate information, for example, the subject’s complete name, aliases, date and place of birth, social security number, former addresses or locations.
Requesting records on yourself or another living person
- You must provide proof of identify via the DOJ 361-Certification of Identity Form. Please visit the Privacy Act webpage for more information regarding submitting Privacy Act requests to DEA.
Request Information about a Deceased Individual
- If your request is for information concerning a deceased individual, you must provide proof of death. Acceptable forms of proof of death include obituaries, death certificates, recognized sources that can be documented, date of birth is 100 years or greater, or Social Security Death Index page.
If you have any questions, you may contact the Requester Service Center at (571) 776-2300 or via e-mail at